Hi, I’m Andrea!

I wanted to take a little bit of time to tell you about me! I think that’s only fair, after all, as your doula, I’ll be getting to know you very well!

I live in Florissant with my amazing husband- Matt, our sweet boys- Bradley and Noah, and our two dogs- Chloe and Hunter. Matt and I met in 2018 and got married in October 2020. Fast forward just a few short months and we were expecting!

During a time that was supposed to be so exciting, it became very difficult to be excited. I experienced the loss of my mother just four days after finding out I was pregnant. I knew that without my mom, I was going to need some extra support during pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum. And that is where I had my first desire to have a doula. Which leads me here.

Taking an evidence-based birth education class and having a doula were instrumental in my birth experience. My doula was there to hold my hand, when my mom was not. She was there to answer questions and relate to me, so I did not feel so alone.

I want you to be able to make informed decisions about you and your baby’s health, to help educate you. I want to be there to hold your hand and encourage you. I want you to feel empowered by your birth experience. And that, is why I became a doula.